Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fit of Insanity

I know I'm getting older but didn't realize just how much I was losing my mind.  In a fit of insanity, I purchased plane tickets to fly down to Southern California and take part in the PushaKona ride in early December.  PushaKona is a ride put on by some friends of mine in the Santa Anna Mountains near Tustin, CA with lots of elevation gain (8,000ft plus this year I hear), steep downhills, heavy bikes (required is 30lb minimum) ... all on one of the shortest days of the year.  It gets it's name from the fact that there's always sections of pushing involved and the fact that the first year they did this, most of the riders were on Kona bikes.

The only other time I've done this ride was back in 2005.  We crossed the Santa Anna's twice and ended up descending down a trail called Trabuco after twilight.  Totally dark by the time we got back to the vehicles.

So ... I'm supposed to be getting some rides in to pretend I'm in shape for this thing.  That really isn't happening.  I may be in trouble.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Winter Beers in Seattle

The winter beer season is one of my favorite times to be living in the Pac NW.  Big, malty beverages combined with cooler temperatures to them in.  The winter beers go a long way towards taking my mind off the fact that it's drizzling yet again outside.  I used to be much "tougher" and would go mountain biking but I seem to have developed an affinity towards the couch lately.

Anyway, the winter beer season started for me with the last three bottles of 2009 Jubelale that I had in the beer closet.  Aged out really fine and make me look forward to the two bottles of 2009 Cabin Fever that I have.

New beer's being the main reason for this posting, the 2010 winter beer season started off for me with a Pyramid Snow Cap.  I've been a fan of the Snow Cap for awhile now.  It's always been a good solid winter beer for me.  The 2010 version seems to be a little lighter in color than I remember.  I seem to recall a more reddish brown hue.  Nice malty nose to the initial pour but that seems to disappear.  Body seems to be a little thinner too.  Still a nice beer but for me personally I think it's a notch or two down from what it used to be.

Hopefully I'll figure out how this blogging thing works and can add some sort of rating list.  For now, I'm looking forward to the next 2010 winter beer.